

Biophilic social spaces

We co-create social spaces that preserve ecological and cultural connections to improve ecosystem services in the region and enhance the quality of life of the residents.

Ecosystem – based disaster risk reduction (Eco- DRR)

We formulate comprehensive flood management strategies and design soft engineering infrastructure for communities prone to pluvial, fluvial and coastal flooding. We also assist in accessing funds for flood mitigation and adaptation projects.

For governments

We work with local governments to strengthen civil infrastructure systems through soft engineering interventions to mitigate impacts from cloud bursts, extended precipitation and storm surges, as well as to counter the urban heat-island (UHI) effect.

We design ecologically-sensitive public spaces that celebrate local heritage.

Our focus is on ecotone stabilisation, biodiversity enrichment, and sustainable drainage systems (SuDS).

For businesses

We develop regenerative and integrated farming systems with agricultural estates and farming co-operatives.

We create sustainable business models for recreational parks across the spatial scale – from pocket parks to large botanical gardens.

We offer advisory services for low-carbon and climate-resilient housing projects, that employ passive environmental systems which prioritize thermal comfort of occupants.

For academia

We collaborate with academic institutions for research and training, in the fields of ecological urbanism, bio-climatic architecture, and valuation of natural capital.

For media

We work with print and digital media houses to inform and persuade the target audience for a transformational adaptation of our societies through systemic change.